Tuesday, 22 September 2015

6 Ways How to increase blog traffic

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6 Ways How to increase blog traffic
Back in our survey last year one ihowonline reader wrote “I'm struggling for traffic. Please help me so that I could How to Increase Website Traffic from my site by legal methods.”

First off it is great to know these reader Is not thinking about using Black Hat methods .
It’s definitely not worth trying to cheat Google (and other search engines) - even if you've a few limited short-term success your web site will get penalised before long.
Instead when you appear at ways to get a lot traffic to your web site it is really important you go about it in the right way.
Here I will share 6 straightforward and effective ways to get more readers to your site. While you do not have to do all from these they build on one another so the a lot of you can put into practice the better results you will see.

1: Write the Best Content You Can:

I am sure you have heard these before, just it bears repeating because all too often I see that bloggers aren’t really taking it to heart.
You can't succeed in blogging without good content.
If you are churning out web log posts because fast as possible with no real regard to how good they're or if you are reprinting articles from Ezine Articles or similar - and then your content are unlikely to comprise much good.

2: Include Email Signature in your Blog

This are an small step just one that a lot of bloggers do not think to take. Add a link to your web log in your email signature (text which appears at the bottom from every email).
That way anyone you e-mail will see the link to your blog. From course not everyone will comprise interested enough to check it out, but many will.
You could also add your domain to your forum profile on many forums and to your Twitter profile and Facebook About section.

3: Build Relationships with the Other Bloggers

The blogosphere are built on relationships. After all, if you prefer to get links and tweets from other bloggers they need to know you exist. This goes for your blogging peers - other bloggers at roughly as is level as you - as well for for the bigger names in your niche.
A great place to start are from leaving comments. These Is not an SEO tactic  but it's an good way to build up relationships both with bloggers and their readers.
Be cautious about contacting big-name bloggers from e-mail - these can come across as intrusive and the demanding. Twitter’s often a better way to go.

4: Guest Posting are Major Blogs

A whole week in our Get Readers course are devoted to guest posting - with good reason. A temporary post are an brilliant way to tap into someone else’s audience.
Done well guest posts make a win/win/win situation. You benefit by the exposure and traffic the host blogger benefits by a great piece from content that they did not accept to write their readers benefit by your expertise and new perspective.

5: Do not Just Think SEO

When you are looking at ways to get a lot of traffic to your blog it’s easy to focus on search engine traffic and with SEO techniques aimed at getting you a lot of from that.
But search engines aren’t the only source from readers for your blog. In fact some bloggers do just fine without doing a lot SEO at all - they concentrate instead with building a business and making really great article are an good example.)
The slightly ironic thing about these are that these blogs may well rank very highly in Google and other search engines because they're providing exactly what Google prefer to* promote - great content aimed at meeting readers’ needs.

6: just Do Learn the Basics from SEO:

While SEO Is not everything they're certainly worth paying some attention to. If you are using WordPress your web log* already in good shape - but there is plenty from plugins that could help you take things further.

From understanding the basics from SEO- things like using keywords in your titles and building plenty from links between your pages - you are in a better position to make great content that some readers and search engines love.

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