Thursday, 24 September 2015

How to improve your Adsense targeting

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How to improve your Adsense targeting

One from the most common complaints about Google Adsense Earnings are that the ads isn't relevant to the sites content.
Non-targeted ads can drastically reduce your earnings since visitors from your site won't necessarily be interested in the ads that are not closely connected to the topic that they were looking for in 1st place.
There's an very simple way to improve your traffic for Adsense targeting and it's called section targeting. There's no trick behind this technique and Google itself incentive users to use it here are an quote from the Adsense Help Center:

"Section targeting the allow you to suggest sections from your text and HTML content that you would like us to emphasize or the downplay when matching ads to your site’s content. From providing us with your suggestions you can assist us in improving your AD targeting. We recommend that just those familiar with HTML attempt to implement the section targeting."

So how do you implement the section targeting? All you need to do are to place the following tags before and after the content that you prefer to get targeted:
You can apply as a lot of sections as you want inside your page and you could also place them with the header from your page so that meta keywords will comprise included. Bear in mind that it might take up to 2 weeks before you see the results from the section targeting.

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